FMC Scoring Competition

FMC Film Music Contest Entry

Roles: Composer of electronic score with Weird Sound Generator Performance. Demo Video.

Created music for the soundtrack for the Retro Sci Film. Recorded a demo video showing the process I used to score the Retro Sci Fi film excerpt from the Wandering


WestWorld Spitfire Scoring Competition

Spitfire Audio Scoring competition

Roles: Composer of electronic score with Logic Pro and synthesizer programming and performance

Created music for the soundtrack for a scene from the HBO Max series Westworld.


StarGirl Spitfire Scoring Competition

Spitfire Audio Scoring competition

Roles: Composer of electronic score with Logic Pro and synthesizer programming and performance. Graphic Animation.

Created music for the soundtrack for a scene from the CW series Stargirl.


Feature Film Crystal Teaser and Music

Prod: Waterhouse Dent productions

Roles: Composer of electronic score with Logic Pro and synthesizer programming and performance.

Created music for the soundtrack of this trailer and the feature film Crystal.



Student Workshop Films